Thursday 8 September 2011


kolejny punkt widokowy zlokalizowany na starym miescie, w jego centralnym punkcie -staromestske namesti. jest to wieza z zegarem orloy, staromestska radnice. wejscie na wieze prowadzi wnetrzami urzedu miasta (szklane drzwi). nie trzeba wdrapywac sie na schody - dla lazikow wejscie to lekko pochylona platforma idaca 'naokolo' w wiezy, dla leniwych jest winda.

widoki obejmuja: staromestske namesti (stary rynek), kamienice galerii narodowej, kosciol matki boskiej nad tynem, kosciol sw mikolaja, zamek wraz z katedra sw vita. najlatwiejszy dojazd: metro linia A -staromestska


another great viewpoint located in the heart of prague's old town, at staromestsky namesti (old town square) - tower with orloy astronomical clock - staromestska radnice. entrance via old town council (glass doors). climbing the steps is not required - there are not any stairs! for keen walkers there is a ramp going gently up round the tower and for the lazy ones there is a lift. views to: staromestske namesti (old town square), town houses, national galleries, church of st nicolas, church of virgin mary of tyn, the castle & st vita cathedral. easiest to get to by metro, line A - staromestska

staromestska radnice

widok z rynku / view from the old town square

stary rynek / old town square

staromestske namesti

sw mikolaj / st nicolas

katedra sw vita / st vita cathedral

kamienice / town houses

wnetrze wiezy, rampa i winda / tower's interior - the ramp and the lift

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